Cremation Solutions
Making use of existing grave space for cremation interments is becoming a popular choice.
But making use of these lots can pose a problem for memorialization, especially if an existing memorial is in place and was never designed to accommodate more names.
There are several factors to consider when deciding what options will work best including cemetery by-laws, the existing memorials currently present, how much information needs to be added and if you would like to leave room for future memorialization. Please contact the Cemetery Office and our staff can help you decide what solution will work best for your individual memorialization needs.
We have several options to choose from that may serve as solutions to the problem of memorialization, browse through them below:
Make Use of the Base
The base of the monument can be sawn smooth so that extra names and dates can be added to a monument without interfering with the original design. Alternatively a new base can be made that has a sloping front. This will give you more room so that you can add names, dates and a small verse. If a new base is ordered the original monument will be lifted, the old base removed and the monument will then be lowered onto the new base.
A plinth is an additional piece of granite that can be installed between the base and the monument. The plinth can have additional names and dates sandblasted into the granite, or a bronze plaque with additional names and dates can be attached to the plinth.
Additional Tablet(s)
In some cases there may be enough room to replace the old base with a much longer base in order to accommodate multiple tablets. The new tablet(s) can be made to match the existing tablet right down to the design and lettering formats. This is an excellent option for lots that have an existing monument.
Engraving on the Back of a Monument
If permission is given to alter an existing monument, then the back of a monument will provide ample space for additional names, dates and possibly a verse. In most cases the monument can be sandblasted on site at the cemetery and the lettering format can be matched with the original monument face.
Flat Marker
Where a monument already exists, another option is to place a flat marker at the foot of the grave. Flat markers range in size and can accommodate multiple names and dates. These can be sandblasted into the granite or bronze plaques can be mounted granite or cement. A flat marker will also allow you to add extra details and designs. This option is permissible for most lots at the Lakefield Cemetery but please consult cemetery staff before proceeding with this option.
Memorial Trees
In the event that a memorial cannot be placed on a lot, an alternative solution is a memorial tree. We have 27 red maples and 27 sugar maples planted on either side of our memorial walkway. For a small fee one of these trees can be dedicated to a loved one with a permanent plaque that contains names and dates.